Thursday, September 23, 2010

Internet Marketers Mental Block and Deadly Bears!

Over the past several months, I have had a serious case of internet marketers block!  Luckily, my company is set up to run in auto-pilot and will generate checks.  

Over the last couple of days I was reading a book called " A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson.  The author who is middle age and overweight decides to take his other middle age overweight burned out hippy friend to hike the "AT" or the Appalachian trail.  

He started the book talking about bears and he was reading and hearing how they can be a nuisance on the trail.  The trail actually takes you from Georgia through 13 other states to end up in Katahdin Summit.  Average time to accomplish is about 5-6 months. 2156 miles of treacherous hiking. 

 I could relate to the beginning of the book of having fearing bears and almost creating a mental block stopping him from taking this long journey.  I compare mental blocks and unknown but obvious forms of self defeat or defiance! 

   He continues his journey really meeting some interesting people and accomplishing some amazing feats along the way!

But in Internet Marketing, you really need to step up your game and alway have some of the proverbial coals burning in a fire.     

So after a wonderful vacation at Daytona Beach FL.  I was kind of set back and wanting a change this mental block..  First thing I wanted to accomplish was get my office cleaned out. I was finding myself with my Macbook in front of my TV.  (BAD MISTAKE!) This is one of the most distracting things ever!    

TV can be really distracting and full of crappy news which can really bring you down.  I spent a whole day removing old Ebay boxes and getting things organized!  This was a huge monkey off my back.  I am not really a obsessive person who likes to clean all the time.  

(As a matter of fact I hate doing such mundane tasks.) 

After, many weeks I decided to come up with some sort of action plan and things started to fall in place.  Here is my 5 action steps that are getting me back on track!

5 Step Plan for avoiding 

1. Step Away....  You just need to step away for awhile and put energy elsewhere!

2. All the things that are bothering you. Get them solved! (Monkey on your back stuff!)  This means setting up an action plan to try to fix them.  Somethings you won't be able to solve at first. Just work on the stuff you can solve!  Solving small things like cleaning up an office or just fixing something broke around the house can help you overcome your slump.  

(Example) I decided to clean my office and actually put some stuff up on Ebay that has been sitting around doing nothing!.

3.  Try to stay away from anything negative!  This can really bring you down and put in into a heavier slump.  Whether it is your relative or friends, distance yourself or tell them that you have a lot on your mind and want to try and avoid talking for the next few days.  

4.  Focus on things that you enjoy! Going outside! surfing,swimming and exercising can help you get your brain pumping and refresh you very quickly.

5. Look at the everyday world and grab inspiration and hilarity from it all at the same time staying humble and appreciative.

So after doing this I am typing this post from my newly remodeled office and taking a new approach to my business and offer as many tips about over coming my mental blocks and getting my business kick started again. 

I will be trying to do a vlog (Video Blog) with this and talk about whatever comes to mind and taking questions for people who would like to make a couple of bucks online!

Reference to the book I am reading.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Different hard drives of a computer

Cool article on the different types of harddrives at pctips

What is a hard drive? Often people think a hard drive is their entire computer system as they see it, and others think that it is something hard or solid in the computer. It actually is a storage device inside your computer, and yes, it is hard. . This is hiding inside your computer and is where all your data is stored when you save it. You may never see your hard drive unless you happen to open up your computer to fix a problem. A hard drive is merely one of the many components that contribute to your computer system as a whole.

What is the difference between Hard disk and Hard drive?

It can be confusing when someone is talking about a hard drive and you call “it” a hard disk or hard disk drive. You think to yourself “what are they talking about?” Well this is crazy, but they are talking about the same thing. A hard disk and a hard drive have been made up over the years. Originally the main storage device was called a hard disk and we had floppy disk drives. Eventually the words got mixed up and blended.. That’s my theory anyway.

3.5″ Desktop Hard disk drive:

The picture below shows a 40 gigabyte (the size or capacity) hard drive, 7200RPM (the speed or revs per minute). The 3.5″ hard drive is pictured on the left. We used to only have one option when buying a hard drive, however now there are three or more types to choose from. See more pictures of hard drives .

2.5″ Laptop Hard disk drive:

A laptop hard disk drive is considerably smaller than a normal desktop hard drive and also cost more. If you wanted to buy a 500gb laptop hard drive it would be very expensive, whereas a 500gb desktop hard drive is around $100. See more laptop hard drives .

Cd rom or DVD Drive:

This is where you put a cd rom or a DVD disc in. It could be a drive that can also read and write on cds or DVD disks. Plain old Cd roms are nearly obsolete as everyone now wants a DVD burner.. With dvd rom drives you can backup your dvd’s onto a DVD writeable disc. There is no point buying a cd rom when dvd rom drives are the same price and have more features.

Floppy disk drive:

This is the smaller drive that takes those little plastic square shaped disks. They are rarely used now as they are no longer needed for a boot disk if you have a cd rom or DVD burner. In fact most new computers are sold without a floppy disk drive as they are obselette.

External Hard drive:

An external hard drive can come in two sizes like the desktop hard drive and the laptop hard drive. After all an external hard drive is just a case housing one of these hard drives. So if you have a 2.5″ external hard drive , this means it contains a laptop hard drive.

Now days we every second household owns an external hard drive. They are used to store files on safely away from the computer you are working on. For example, you can save your photos onto an external hard drive and if your computer crashes they will still be safe because they are not stored on your computer. There is no excuse if you do not own one of these fantastic storage devices as you can buy a 1 TB external hard drive for well under $100. That size hard drive can hold thousands of movie, songs, and more… It will store everything.


Pc Repair Course

Different hard drives of a computer